Fan Favorites From Yesteryear – Why The Coin Slots May Soon Be No More

Chocolate Slots

Once the jewel of any casino, the once famous coin machines that sprawled entire walls of a casino, may soon be no more. Despite recent renovations to popular slot machines in recent years, very few slot machines are appearing in the adorned halls of Las Vegas casinos. According to the Los Angeles Times, less than 3% of the gross revenue in Las Vegas casinos came from slot machines. And when it comes to gross revenue, we're talking north of $50 billion.

When it comes to classic slot machines, we're of course talking about legendary coin machines like Wild Cherries, Crazy 7s, and so many more. And despite modern day coin machines that enable users to pick lottery tickets, track their fantasy football results, along with placing sports bets, the annual Global Gaming Expo, which constitutes the largest gambling convention, did not roll out any new coin machines.

And while older gamblers may still be partial to the classic coin machines, casinos are also falling out of favor with them because of the capacity they can handle. A typical machine today can handle about 500 spins per hour, due to a large part of their new ticket into ticket system, which cuts down on the wear and tear. The classic slot machines average a top capacity of 300 spins per hour.