Making Deposits in a Bitcoin Casino

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As Bitcoin continues to be the rage in the online casino world, first thing is first, however, you must make your deposit before you can jump into all the exciting and lucrative games. The advantages of making your deposit with Bitcoin are several. For one, it is a pure, digital currency, therefore you can speed things up considerably without going through any banks. It also alleviates the burden of feeling out a credit card authorization form which will require personal information, including proof of identification, which you will then need to submit to the cashier for approval. This process unfortunately can take a while to complete.

Now with Bitcoin, the process becomes that much simpler to handle your gaming business. To get started, you will need a Bitcoin wallet that you can count on to serve as an intermediary between yourself and the online casino of your choice.

Some of the top Bitcoin wallets includes the original Bitcoin Core wallet itself. Bulky in size and computer resources, The Bitcoin Core wallet is rich in protection, however, a crucial requirement to keep your transactions safe. Bitcoin Core wallets utilizes the block chain technology which provides extra digital signatures on your transactions.

Another popular Bitcoin wallet is the Electrum Wallet. Somewhat lighter in size compared to the original, Bitcoin wallet. The Electrum wallet lets you manage multiple accounts as well for easy access. The list endless when it comes to choosing the Bitcoin wallet that is right for you, to be fair, they're all pretty great! Once you've decided on a wallet, you can install it either as a web wallet or through software. If you choose the web wallet, you will need to fill out an account online with your email and a few other details.

If you elect to get a software wallet, you will need to download the software directly to your computer or smart device. Once you've got your wallet setup, you will need to convert some funds into Bitcoin. There are many Bitcoin exchanges that will help you accomplish this. Feel free to trade, buy and sell Bitcoins at your leisure.

Now, simply choose the Bitcoin casino of your choice, head to the cashier, and choose Bitcoin as your option. Then choose your deposit amount, and the rest is automatic as your funds are transferred from your Bitcoin wallet to the online casino. Payments are processed instantly, now go have fun and win big!