4 Major Online Casinos Now Accepting Bitcoin

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Are you aware there is a new method you can use to make deposits to your favorite casinos, not to mention easy withdrawals too? It’s called Bitcoin, and while you may already have heard of it, the chances are you won’t be aware that it is being accepted at more and more online casinos all the time. Here are four major casinos that are now accepting this particular virtual currency. There may well be others, so keep a look-out to see which ones will add themselves to this list over time. Maybe one of them is just the type of casino you would like to be a part of.

Bovada Casino

Bovada is leading the charge with the inclusion of Bitcoin as a deposit method. The layout of the site is very user-friendly, and they have a page that includes all kinds of information for Bitcoin. This tells you more about what to expect if you decide to use it.

Bodog Casino

This is one of the best casinos online, and they now accept Bitcoin as well. If you check out the casino home page you will see a link to a dedicated page about the virtual currency. You can look at this to see how it works and how to deposit Bitcoins into your account. This is a step-by-step guide that will undoubtedly be very useful for you.


This online casino is packed with superb games, and if you make your deposits in Bitcoins, you can quickly and easily use the site and enjoy just some of the many exciting games they have to offer there.

Ignition Casino

You may not have heard of this online casino yet, but in reality it is a new addition and one that is fast gaining ground in this business. They are also accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment when you want to deposit new funds into your account.

Try one of these fantastic online casinos today

With four leading casinos to choose from here, you can see it is a lot easier than you may at first think to start playing with Bitcoins. Even if you are new to learning about this virtual online currency, it could be easier to get started than you might think. Find out more today and see whether your coins could win you some significant prizes at one of the above casinos.