Good News for USA Players - PayPal Returns to USA Gambling Sites
PayPal has returned to USA gambling sites after their withdrawal in 2003, they have reently started testing on four US online gambling sites.
Spokesperson from Paypal said that the integration with gambling sites is a at this stage a limited test and is one of the ways that PayPal is seeking more revenue after their split from eBay a few months ago.
PayPal is an easy to use payment processor, and many people are familiar with their features and safe transactions. Many player on online gambling sites feel comfortable using PayPal to fund their gambling sites they play on. If these tests prove successful and its most likely they will, PayPal will be making their services available for more regulated and legalized gambling states such as Nevada, Delaware and New Jersey.
This will be a very welcomed addition to any casino site as players are willing to use PayPal’s ease of usage and integration to fund their gaming needs.