US Gambling Sites

Jester’s Wild Slots

When you’ve got that itch to make online wagers, the only decision you should be making is where you’re going to be playing at. Below are some of the top legit, and rewarding online gambling sites to play at.

Make The Safe Bet At Bovada Casino

Famous around the world for their stellar table games and state of the art slot games, Bovada Casino also packs a powerful punch when it comes to placing sports bets. Have no fear, not only are they legit, but they have a strong history of producing big time winners. Don’t also forget their premiere promotions and their leader board gaming to win extra cash and prizes. If you are into heavy sports betting, than an alternative to Bovada Casino is 5Dimes casino.

Get Your Sports Betting On At 5 Dimes Casino

Get in the game and play the game, the game of sports betting at this casino. Not only can you place your bets in advance across various sports leagues, both American and worldwide, but you can also place in game bets with up to the second odds provided for you. And to help matters out even more, you are provided bet slips to help make accurate bets.

The Sports Bets Continue At is more than legit, they are in fact a legitimate powerhouse when it comes to an extensive arsenal of sports bets. There is even a built in e sports section where you place wagers on video game versions of popular games and fictional leagues including soccer and basketball. is also a fan favorite due to their famously fast pay outs to their members.

Be The Top Dog At Bodog Casino

Bodog Casino is not only legit, but they consistently rank as a powerhouse in the online casino industry due to their impressive arsenal of slot games, upper echelon table games and card live casino play. And you can also place legit and big time sports bets for sports leagues such as basketball, football, hockey and more. And if horse racing is your thing, you can place prime time bets for many daily racing track events. And for those with the extra urge to do it up big when it comes to table games, select table games qualify for live play where a lovely hostess awaits to deal what could be your winning hand.