AGA Election Guide Ensures that the Voice of Online Gaming Will be Heard
Presidential elections are coming soon, the American Gambling Association is putting out moves to ensure that all the right people are informed.
Voter Guide
The AGA has recently released their first informative voter guide, this has been put together inform approximately one million gaming employees everything they need to know about all the presidential candidates and their stance with regards to gambling. The guide includes voting information which is informative about participation, e.g., How to register, when to vote, and where to go to vote. The guide is not only pertains to the gaming stakeholders, but is also relevant for any voting member in the US.
Gaming Votes Initiative
The guide is part of an Gaming Votes initiative, which AGA launched last year which was designed to also inform the candidates as well, an effort to ensure full awareness for all the Presidential candidates, particularly with regards to the value of gaming in all the states if it is effectively regulated. Statistics in the guide pointed out that the key battleground, and early voting state has shown how the gaming industry supports more than half-a-million jobs as well as generating $75 billion in economic activity.
The AGA Goal
The AGA has committed themselves to target all of the specific groups and stakeholders so that the politicians, the casino operators, employees, and all players will be in a position to participate towards making online gambling work in the US and to also to increase the revenues of the states that are cash strapped and/or debt ridden as well as to be able to bring to the table, safe and fulfilling gaming experiences that meets existing wide demands.
Residual Positions Revealed
The regulation of gaming, is an individual policy stance, therefore it’s expected that some of the candidates would be favorably inclined towards online gambling, an example would be Donald Trump, who is a mega casino owner, and New Jersey’s Governor, Doug Christie, who has shepherded regulated online gaming in his own state and is currently showing early success as well as state benefits.
One of the charts shows the positrons of all the candidates, In alphabetical order, however there is an exception, Bernie Sanders, there is currently no record on his stance on online gambling. The chart reveals that Hillary Clinton opposed casinos in Arkansas at the time she was First Lady, during the 1980's, and it also shows that she changed her stance at the time she was running for Senator in New York in 2000.
She said that she would be leaving it up to the citizens make their own final decision should they feel that the casinos was a method towards economic recovery.
Its Good To Educate Yourself
All the information information contained in the report will go a long way towards keeping voters informed and empowering them for the future of online gambling in the US.